Where Can I Give?

General Fund​
Funds donated to GCA's General fund will be used to help us further our mission to Teach Truth, Inspire Excellence, Experience Christ and Serve through Love.

Capital Fund
GCA seeks to provide a warm, loving and safe space for its students. We provide technology that helps our students learn effectively. Support received for the Capital Fund will be used to continually improve our school's facilities and IT systems.
GCA Bursary Educational Assistance Fund
The GCA Bursary Education Fund helps subsidize tuition costs for GCA families that are meeting short term financial difficulties. Your support of the fund will help lessen the financial burden on these families, and help ensure their children can continue to receive the education they've become accustomed to receiving.
If you are interested in learning more about our Legacy Golf Classic Tournament in support of the fund, contact Michele Ramer at m.ramer@gcaschool.com.

YWAM Mission Trip Funds
The Grade 9 Mexico trip is a unique opportunity for our students to experience Christ and serve through love in a cross cultural context. This trip comes at an extra cost per student for grade nine families to cover the travel costs, along with the cost of materials/supplies for the new homes. Amounts donated to the Family Assistance fund will be used to subsidize the trip costs for families encountering short term financial difficulties. Amounts donated to the Homes fund will be used to purchase materials/supplies for the homes. Amounts donated to 'YWAM Mission - General' will be used to reduce the cost of the trip for all families attending the trip.
Each restricted donation designated toward an approved program or project above will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board of Directors, the remaining restricted donations designated for such program or project will be used as the Board of Directors determines.