Strategic Priorities

High school has been part of the vision since the inception of GCA and TCS (44 and 31 years ago). There have been a number of “false starts” to begin a Christian High School. The partnership with TCS and GCA is a solid partnership and momentum is building.
In our covenantal response and in obedience to God we want to continue to press into our mission in how we educate students from JK-12 and not stop at grade 9. Our schools are not complete without a High School.
Our schools are doing our students a disservice by not offering to continue to teach them with a Biblical worldview.
The demand for an independent Christian High School in South Calgary has never been stronger.
GCA and TCS are at the peak of their enrollment. GCA has over 1000 students and TCS has over 450 students.
A High School survey received overwhelming positive response in both GCA & TCS communities.
*Students (who now often make the decision where they want to go to high school) desire, for the most part, a separate high school campus. They have been at their current campus for 10 years and aspire to meet new students, make new friends and be part of a new location.
This would be the only stand-alone (meaning a different location from the current Jr. High and Elementary School) independent Christian High School campus in Calgary.