
Welcome to GCA Elementary! With over 500 students, it is our priority to ensure that each child gets plenty of individualized attention. Classes are kept to a maximum of 20 students in Kindergarten to Grade 3, and 25 students in Grades 4 and 5.* We also have a dedicated Elementary Learning Coach and team of Educational Assistants to help support extra student needs or offer enrichment opportunties.
In our Elementary school, Bible is more than a class: it is infused into every subject we teach. Using the Alberta curriculum as a base, our unique, Biblically infused, accelerated academic program starts in Junior Kindergarten. Strong literacy and numeracy skills are introduced to give our students the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics before entering Grade 1. Students learn the importance of teamwork and problem solving, as well as begin to nurture and develop a life-long relationship with Christ. Using a collaborative approach, students are given the opportunity to learn a range of subjects from a team of expert educators. They are also introduced to multimedia and research tools in order to help prepare them for our changing technological world.
Service to others is a focus throughout all of the grades. Both the school as a whole and the individual grades take on service projects for the school year in order for students to learn the importance of empathy and charity, as well as support the community on local, national and international levels. These projects continue on into Junior High as our students gain the fundamental skills and understanding behind servant leadership.
"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
*Principals reserve the right to expand a class for extenuating circumstances